lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

The Renaissance: Videos

I let you some videos about the Renaissance:
  •  An introduction:

  • Was it a thing?

  • History of Ideas

  •  The Renaissance Begins

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

The Seven Classical Arts: Literature

Sometimes, literature isn't considerated as an art; but it is. Who had never opened a book, read it and start living the story as it seems real? I think everyone,had, and I'm refering about that when I talk about artistic literature. (I do not say that they are some books that are for start to sleep; (as Harry Potter or the Quijote) but I think, as one may says: "Outside of a dog, a book is men's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read"
And cause of that, I would like to make a ranking about the bests books in history (This is only my opinion, if you are not of my opinion, comment, and explain to me why; also if you want me to make another post like this)

5.- One thousand and one Nights


This famous medieval book is actually famous because of stories like Aladdin or Simbad, but is a book of books, that is famous since more than 500 years. If it is so old it's fame would be cause of something, no? It is one of the most read books in history, and it worths it. I reccomend it.

4. One hundred years of solitude


This is the only book in this top, I couldn't read; but I tried. Some family and friends read it and they always says the same; it is an experience, don't die without read it. I promish i'll read and I will upload a post about this book. But, I think if the writer won a Nobel Prize with this book,might be good... or no?

3.Kulanjango: Eagle's voyage.

This is the book I like the most. It is the story of some friends that found an eagle in Scotland and start to care about it.But one day the eagle have babies and fly toAfrica in the migration. The eagle has some problems and the kids contact with a girl. At final, the eagle was saved and the kids made a new friend. But, there is a problem, this book is only allowed in German and in Spanish.

2. Romeo and Juliet

The most famous love story one man ever writed; occured in Verona (Italy) with 2 families, tragedies and two lovers... You probably will know the rest so I will not say nothing more.

1.- The Encyclopedia

 The book of every knowledge; that years ago accumulate all kowledge about humanity. More than 2 million years of knowledge there makes it the best book (in my opinion)

I hope you like it. Please do not forget to comment

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

The 4 Best Painters

The Best Painters

These are the best painters in the history:

1 Leonardo da Vinci: he was born in Florencia (Italy).He lived in the age of The Renaissance .His most imortant paintings are :`The Last Dinner´and`The Mona Lisa´.

2 Pablo Ruíz Picaso: he was born in Málaga (Spain).He is a bery important artist of Abstract art.His most important paintings are:`The Guernica´ and `The maternity´.

3 Diego Velázquez:he was born in Sevilla (Spain).He was considerated master of the universal art.His most important paintings is:`The Meninas´.

4 Vincent Van Gogh: he was born in Zundert (Netherlands).He painted 900 drawings and it is considered one of the main exponents of postimpressionism.Some of his paintings are:`The starry night´ and `Lilies´.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Types of art

Types of Art
These are the most important types of art:

 1. Paintings
Las Meninas from Velazquez ( Year 1656 , S.XIX ,Oil on canvas ) : it represents th family of Felipe IV

1.2. relaxation paintings

 1.3. education paintings

Christ Pantocrator  

1.4.Abstract paintings

Resultado de imagen de arte abstracto


Resultado de imagen de escultura david miguel angel 
 The David from Miguel Ángel

The Most Visited and Famous Museum in Europe...the Louvre!

Louvre's museum is the most visited museum in Europe, with more than 10 million people (2015) and this incredible record makes it the most visited museum, not only in Europe, in the whole world!!!

The Louvre is locaded in Palais Royale, Musée du Louvre, 75001, Paris (Royal Palace of the Louvre, 75001, Paris). Its name give us some information about this museum past: of course, it was the palace of french royal family before the Revolution of 1789.

It opened as a museum in 1792, and open from Monday to Saturday between 09:00 am. and 21:00 pm, and tickets aren't cheap at all, one ticket cost 11€ per person. That means one family with two children may pay 44€ for entering there! That is very expensive.

But, apart of everything Louvre's collection is one of the most important in the world,. and have paintings and sculptures from Ancient Egypt until the Impresionism in a lot of different rooms, each one of at least fifty square meters!

The most important works are the following ones:
The Giocconda (Mona Lisa) painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, and is the only painting that is inside a blinded capsule.

Samotracia's Victory, an Ancient Greece sculpture. We do not know who build it, where and when, but we supose it was make in the second century before Christ.

Jacques-Louis David 006.jpg Napoleon's coronation as the European Emperor, painted by Jacques-Louis David between 1805 and 1808.

This are the most important pictures or sculptures for us, if you prefer others please comment.

We are going to make a resume:

Louvre is placed in  Palais Royale, Musée du Louvre, 75001, Paris
One ticket costs 11€
Most famous works are, Giocconda one, Samotracia's Victory and Napoleon's coronation. 
 If you visit Paris, do not forget to visit the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysées. I hope you like it, do not forget to comment 

This picture is here for lead you how is the Louvre. (The pyramid it is a subway station)

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

The interview with the restorer.

This is the interview with Vania López, restorer of the Heaven’s Porch (Ourense)

Question 1: What is a porch?
A porch is like a door that divides exterior world and God’s House, human world and divine world.

Question 2: Could you give us some information about this porch history?
This porch was built in the XIII century approximately and has romanesque style, we can see a lot of sculptures that are used to “tell” that you are entering in the God’s House and you must respect it. In a first moment (more or less 600 years) this little statues weren’t painted, they were only stone. Even this porch, the Glory’s Porch in Santiago’s Cathedral, are the only romanesque porches in the Iberian Peninsula. A curious thing is that this porch was made from a Maestro Mateo’s student, and it was build it like an imitation of Santiago’s one, cause of the peregrination way that passes through Ourense: The Silver Way*(Romanesque 1: St James Way).

Question 3: That is only oldest history, but, what about newest history?
As I said before, this porch, was more than 600 years (centuries XII-XVIII) without any painting, and we know it because paintings are baroque ones, we did some analysis of pigments and finally we saw that were baroques. In my opinion, polychromy is worst than masonry. The reason of colour scarcity is actually a mystery, cause of the costume at the time was painting the inner part, also in romanesque churches with mural paintings.

Question 4: What does the porch represents?
The porch represents different scenes of the Bible, BC-AC, Christ tentations…  Ancient mans we can see up, are the 24 ancient men of the Apocalypse and represent heaven’s door and also instrument represents that you are entering in Celestial Jerusalem.
Close to them, concretely down we see a small statue of saint Martin, saint patron of the city. Statue is from the XVII century.
We can also see demons to represent another doors, but this to hell, and for the people that pecate. Because of a lot of people didn’t know to read, thjey used graphic demonstrations to show a possible future.

Question 5: I the human part, how did you feel restoring the porch?

It was a privilege to restore it and if I could i’ll repeat it one and thousand times.

(Heaven's porch after Vania's restorement)

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Some photos of the exposition in the Valente

I give you somo home-made photos ofthe exposition in the Cultural Centre Miguel Ángel Valente.

Go to visit it and enjoy. Don't forget to comment.

Some execises about romanesque art.

Please, do not forget to comment.

Exercise 1: With this image…    (4 points)

a)     Write in each correct place:  North,South,East,West
b)     Identify the transept, the abside and the groin vault
c)      Write: feet, body and head.
d)     Is there any absidiole? If your answer is yes, where is it located?
Exercise 2: Follow in the blanks with the correct answer  (6 points)
The abside can be orientded to the place you want.

In the Romanesque were a lot of rosettes

Romanesque was born in Germany

St James’Way allowed exchange between cultures in the Iberian peninsula

The Panthocrater is an example of Romanesque art

If I say groin vault I am talking about Romanesque order

Eva Torres

Hello, as I promished, I upload the interview with Eva Torres, the director of the Ourense's municipal artistic museum. 

Question 1: Eva, how can you define art?
Answer:        Art, for me, it is a way of living. Personalize my way of thinking, acting, seeing and even feeling. Art isn’t only what you see in museums, galleries… Art came in light, in smelling and also in colour.

Question 2: What is your opinion about art in public places? Do you think it’s important?
Answer:        I do not also think it is important, cause I think it’s necessary. Art is a real way of educating and became sensitive people that leave in our cities in which we see artistic representation, for recovering historic events, social events, or simply enjoy with the views of this artistic demonstration.

Question 3: In Ourense we can appreciate some different artistic periods, cause of different types of representations. In your opinion, which are the most important artistic representations in the city?
Answer:        Yes, there are some periods and we can appreciate four.

a) Historical-Artistic :     The most representative works are, in my opinion as Burgas , the Roman Bridge and the cloister of San Francisco have much history to convey to citizens , centuries, and historical facts of great importance .
b) Monumental:     would highlight the bronze statue dedicated to the “Padre Feijóo”, who was one of the first monuments in  the city of Ourense (1887 ) and is situated in the “Jardines del Padre Feijóo” . It is a statue of the Angel of Francisco de Asorey , leading in the bottom of the park since 1957. San Lazaro sculpture dedicated to Lamas Carvajal , located in the Garden of Posío , and made ​​or Anton Faílde People that appear in the sculpture are “ Tío Marcos d'a Portela and rapaza” . The date is 1907 .

c) Modern:        Decorative would highlight Quesada , with its " Mouchiño " and that is a tribute to the comic , is in the Plaza de Lamas Carvajal is 2002. We must also say that Manuel Buciños , with a sculpture dedicated to Castelao . It's in the “Rúa da Imprenta” and has been there since 1996. Also Acisclo Manzano with the work " Maternidade " located in Rua Paseo and has been there since 1997.

d) Contemporary :     Above all , we must highlight his Toño Monteiro dos Tempos Arco , in the Rotunda ponte Patinha Novísimo in 2011. And with its " Ollo do Camiñante" 2004.

Question 4: I know that there is a new artistic exposition. Can you explain us something about it?

Answer:    The most contemporary exhibition we have today in the city is located in the Municipal Hall Jose Angel Valente ( ancient Bank of Spain ) . I define as the best sculptural exhibition in Galicia, consists of 24 large pieces ( +1.5 meters ) sharing materials such as wood , metal, resin , stone ... The title of the exhibition is "Against Vento and Tide" and Artists 4. Manuel Patinha are , Xurxo Oro Claro , Silverio Rivas and Paco Pestana

Question 5: Which activities that you can do in a day at Ourense would you reccomend?

Answer:           I recommend going outside in the morning and visit the museums and exhibition halls , go have some skewers to old . In the afternoon visit the thermal area and take baths , returning for the ride das nymphs and visualizing the various artworks that are in the path that is what the issue is .

Contact telephone (Museum telephone) :+34-988-24-89-70

(Ourense's municipal artistic museum)