lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

The Queen' Sofia Museum


 The National Artistic Centre Queen' Sofía Museum, the Queen' Sofía Museum is one of the most importants spanish  museums, as the Prado, the Guggenheim of Bilbao, the Thyssen or the Picasso in Barcelona. It is  located in Saint Isabel' Street; in the number 52, opens from 10:00 to 21:00. Its telephone is 917-74-10-00 .

   This museum has one of the most important pictures in Spansh history; the Guernica (Picasso), and if you want to go to the permanent exposition you must pay 8€; but if you want the huge pack (permanent, and temporaly expositions) you will pay 12 € (8€ permanent exposition and 4€ temporary exposition). Its important to say that this prize is per person, so if you go with lots of people, it will be a little bit expensive.

    This is a museum that opens almost every day, but closes:

In January, it closes the 1st and the 6th.
In May, closes the 2nd and the 16th.
In November. closes the 9th.
In December, closes the 24th, 25th, 31st

It also closes every Tuesday.

This museum has very important modern art paintings; such as the Guernica. 

If you go to Madrid, you must go to this museum.

I hope you like it; don't forget to comment

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