miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Famous sentences about music

<<Music is a synonym of freedom, of playing the thing you want and as you want, whenever has passion and its good, music is love's food.>>         Kurt D. Kobain (1967-19994) American composer and musician

<<Music is for the soul as gymnastics are for the body>> Plato (427BC-347BC) Greek philosopher

<<Witout music, life would be a mistake>> Friederich Nietzche (1844-1990) German philosopher

<<Music is the most direct type of art, it goes inside your body by your inner ear and it goes directly to your heart>>   Magdalena Martínez (1963-Actually) Spanish flute player.

<<The person that listen to music feels that can express emotions>>  Robert Browning (1812-1889) British Poet

We share this sentences with you  for enjoying listening to music while you think in sentences that clever people said. We hope you like it.

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